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Top 5 Tips to Avoid Binge Eating October 28, 2008

Posted by multisport man in Health, Nutrition.
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It happens to almost everyone. You get home from work, tired, hungry, and stressed, and you eat a nice dinner. But even though you are full, you go back to the fridge at 8. Then at 8:30. And then
again at 9. You might even hit the fridge, or worse – the freezer for ice cream – at 10:30.

Night-time eating. Binge eating. Whatever you call it, it’s killing your progress. So here are my top 5 tips for overcoming binge eating.

When I hear from Turbulence Training readers about their problems with binge eating, I want to help. That’s why I started a list of the best ways to stop binge eating.

1) Brush your teeth after every meal.

2) Keep the binge food as far away, and as inconveniently located as possible. If you have a kids, and keep some treats for them in the house, put them somewhere that you have to work to get them. Ie.
The top shelf.

3) Go for a quick walk or miniworkout of bodyweight exercises rather than a binge.

4) Eat fruit, not junk, when you just can’t stop eating.

5) Try to avoid the environments where binges happen.

You can learn more tips for dealing with emotional eating in the TT Forums, and you get a free 3-month membership to the TT forums when you grab your copy of Turbulence Training here: